Abstract/Paper Submission
The Roundtables will have a maximum of three guest speakers from different participating institutions, and will be moderated by a member of the Executive Committee. The moderator will be responsible for the selection of abstracts from the participants. Each roundtable will address one of the themes chosen for the event: Neuroscience, Education and Society, and Information Technology.
The Communication sessions will be grouped by the following topics: Cognition and Health / Neurosciences; Cognition and Education; Cognition and Society and Cognition and Information Technology. Each communications session will have a maximum of four participants registered individually, with duration of 15 minutes per paper submitted and 5 minutes for discussion. Multimedia projectors will be available in every room. Proposals for the communication session should include a title, an abstract with 200 to 400 words and up to 5 keywords. The abstract should be written in a clear and objective manner, highlighting objectives, methodology, main results and conclusion.
The letter of acceptance will be sent to the participants no later than May, 30th.
Abstracts: Abstracts accepted for the event will be published in the book of abstracts, along with the event programme.
Full papers: The papers whose abstracts are accepted for the event may be presented in the form of a scientific paper and will compose an e-book – they must be submitted from June 1st, 2015.
Prolingua Journal: The lectures of the event, the articles from the roundtables, as well as selected articles from the communications sessions will be selected for the 2015 Special Edition of Prolingua Journal, whose theme will be the VII Linguistics and Cognition Conference.
Website of the Journal: http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs/index.php/prolingua
How to submit your abstract:
Abstract submission is open until April, 30th, 2015 (extended through May, 17th)
Abstracts should be send exclusively to cogvii.submission@gmail.com The subject line of the email must be: “abstract submission”
Abstracts should be between 200 and 400 words long (plus References), and written in English or Portuguese. The abstract should be written in a clear and objective manner, highlighting objectives, methodology, theoretical grounds, main results and conclusions.
Each author is allowed to present one paper orally, but may be co-author of two more papers
Acceptance letters will be sent to the participants no later than May, 30th.