Federal University of Paraíba
João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil
09 a August 11, 2015




Talks which were presented at the Conference must be submitted as  research papers to the Proceedings of VII Language and Cognition Conference up to September, 30th, 2015 (new deadline)

Check out the Abstracts!



Check out the Final Program!

Final Program



The Conference

We invite everyone who is interested in the field of Cognitive Linguistics to submit their research work abstracts to the 7th Conference on Linguistics and Cognition to be held at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil between 9th and 11th of August, 2015, as a partner event to the 7th Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics (see page:

Abstracts in Portuguese and in English are welcome and should be submitted through  Note these important dates:

Abstracts Submission: April, 30th, 2015 (deadline extended to May, 17th)
Notification of acceptance: up to May, 30th, 2015
Submission of full papers: June 1st, 2015 (starting date)

The English Version of this website is being updated. If you require any information, send us a message:



From the 22nd to the 24th of April, 2003, at UNICAMP, the I Linguistics and Cognition Conference was held as an initiative of the Work Group of Linguistics and Cognition, approved by ANPOLL – National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Letters  and Linguistics. The main reason for creating this WG lies in the importance of a regular and systematic reflection of theorizing the subject of linguistic around cognitive problems, growing in an incisive and promising way in the agenda of studies on language (and the cognitive sciences agenda) . The constitution of a WG in Linguistics and Cognition, at ANPOLL, became important for the consolidation of this theoretical field in Brazil.The Linguistics and Cognition Conference is held every two years in different universitiy of the country, bringing together the WG members and other interested parties.
After six editions, held in the Southern and Southeastern regions of the country, the Linguistics and Cognition Conference will take place for the first time, at an University of the Northeast. The UFPB, that regularly has hosted large events in the area (ABRALIN, ALFAL, ENAL etc.) through its Post-Graduate Program in Linguistics, will host the VII and Linguistics and Cognition Conference with the theme ‘The Articulation of Cognitive  Linguistics with Neuroscience, Education and Technology’.
In 2015, this great event will take place immediately after the VII Workshop on Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics, sponsored by UFPB in partnership with the International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA), a worldwide event that happens for the first time in South America.



To articulate researches and studies in Cognitive Linguistics and other fields of knowledge dedicated to human cognition to the perspectives of Health Sciences, especially with the Neurosciences; of Social and Education Sciences; and of Information Technology.

